Exercise of the Month....Battle-Rope

If you ever joined one of our (general population) classes you probably got to use the battle ropes. This is by far one of our favorite tools for multiple reasons. They are portable, can be set up in a relatively small space, and provide an objective way to measure effort (size of the waves). Ropes are also a great alternative to power movements such as slam ball or wall ball, in environments that can make it difficult to use med-balls (outdoor/grass etc.). Applying battle-ropes for aerobic conditioning, endurance training or active recovery, strap on a heart rate monitor and stay in a specific heart rate zone for a length of time prescribed by a coach (ex. Zone 1, 30 min).


One of the greatest benefits with battle-Rope is that they are low impact and have a very low risk of injury. Through our experience, we see that beginners generally start much slower (more cautiously) and work their way up when it comes to battle-ropes. Same can’t be said about weight training or even medicine ball workouts.

Ropes can be purchased and shipped for less than $80, and we recommend a 40 ft. length and 1.5” thickness. Its one of the most cost effective pieces of equipment which is portable and will give you the most bang for your buck.

Don’t be limited to just Battle-Rope workouts, as ropes can also be applied in different ways. Rope climbing, or sled dragging are some great ways to apply ropes for building strength.

For any questions reach out to us: contact@figthforhearts.org

Srdan Lukic