Macronutrient Calculator

We developed a free tool that will give you a general guideline on how many (k)calories you should consume daily (along with the macronutrients). This is know as basal metabolic rate.(BMR). Keep in mind that these are general guidelines and both Harris-Benedict and Miflin St. Jeor accuracy is +/- 10% for non obese individuals. Variables that these equations do not account for are: muscle mass, genetics, weather, supplements, meal schedule, health conditions and pregnancy. The most accurate way to measure BMR is indirect calorimetry and we can provide that service at request, contact us.

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
? Metric (kg/cm) or
Imperial (lb/inch)
? Select your gender

? Enter your age

? Enter your weight
? Enter your height

? Activity level that best matches your lifestyle
? Select your goal
? Choose which formula to use for calculating BMR
? Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)
? Carbohydrates intake per day
? Proteins intake per day
? Fats intake per day


Macronutrient ratios

  • Fat Loss - 40% Carbs/ 40% Protein/ 20% Fat

  • Maintenance - 45% Carbs/ 30% Protein/ 25% Fat

  • Gain - 45% Carbs/ 35% Protein/ 20% Fat

Macro ratios can depend on many other factors such as; genetics, dietary restrictions, environment, diet choice, and medication. Example: Macro ratios will be significantly different on a Keto diet.

No data is stored or shared.
